New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions: New Year, New You?

March 2025 by couponlab

Happy 2023! It’s the start of a new year, so it’s the perfect time for a fresh start for any changes you want to make for yourself.
There are three types of people regarding New Year’s Resolutions: Radical ChangersModerate Adjusters, and Resolution Skippers.

The Radical Changers might make a long list of resolutions and try to tackle all these things and make significant changes in their lives. The Moderate Adjusters set fewer, smaller goals, and the Resolutions Skippers, as they are so aptly named, opt out of the resolution craze.

While the start of 2023 doesn’t have to mean that you need to change yourself, it can be an excellent time to reflect on what you wish to do differently. From there, you can make intelligent decisions without overwhelming yourself, meaning that you may be more successful with your resolutions. Although making a lot of solutions may be beneficial, it is essential to be realistic with your goals. Overwhelming yourself with changes might make it harder to follow through with them.

To help you out with your resolutions, here are just a few of the top solutions with tips to help you to tackle them most effectively.

Lose Weight and Get Healthy

The new year is a great time to jumpstart a new health and well-being journey. Losing weight and achieving optimal health will make you feel like your best self. The key to success is developing new and innovative strategies to keep yourself motivated throughout the process.

Besides, who doesn’t love being able to eat all their favorite foods while enjoying the new body they’ve worked hard for? So this new year, let’s not just set resolutions but also strive to make them a reality. There’s no better time than now to begin your health transformation!

  • If you have a membership, use it. Gyms can be significant and well worth the money, but only if you go. If you don’t go, ditch the membership and use that money on some other way to get healthy.
  • Work out with a friend or relative. Having a workout buddy can help give you a push on the days you’d rather be lazy, helping keep each other in check and accountable.
  • Sign up for a race well in advance. Training for that race will give you a goal other than just getting in shape and give you a deadline.
  • Limit your snacking and eat healthier meals. Getting fit doesn’t mean you have to cut everything from your diet. Making conscious decisions is more important than eliminating them. Be aware of what you are eating, and try to adjust snacks more healthily. If you have an unhealthy eating habit, try to limit it.
  • Use the App. There are many workout ideas and regimens that are listed as free online apps without the need for special equipment. If you can hold yourself accountable, that can save you some extra money. As well, the internet has many tips and recipes for eating healthier.

Manage My Time and Get Organized

As we enter the new year, it’s time to take a step back and think about ways to better organize our lives and make the most of our time.

Besides, who wants to feel overwhelmed at any point during 2023? With a few simple techniques, you can learn how to manage your time like the ultimate pro and stay on top of everything that needs to get done. By respecting deadlines and setting goals for yourself (and sticking to them!), you’ll be amazed at how quickly you become an organized master! Don’t wait another minute; it’s time to take charge of your day with new year-resolution-worthy tactics.

  • Make a to-do list. Figuring out what needs to get done and when it needs to be done can help give you focus on your tasks.
  • Don’t procrastinate. If there is something, you keep putting off, get started on it. Getting started is the first step to crossing that off your list.
  • Get rid of clutter. Cleaning up the little messes will help make the organization seem less daunting.
  • Tackle one room at a time. Narrowing your focus gives you a place to start and a greater sense of accomplishment rather than running around trying to do everything at once.
  • Use a calendar or planner. Even if it’s electronic, writing down dates of appointments and meetings can help you keep on top of your schedule.

Make the Most of My Money

New Year resolutions often involve taking control of finances, and if that’s your mission this year, then the best way to accomplish it is to make the most of your money. This doesn’t mean scrimping on every little thing or only buying the bare minimum. It just means being more thoughtful about how you use your money.

Comparison shopping for the best prices on new items or opting for a bundle package on bills is two easy ways to ensure you get maximum bang for your buck. If you can put a little bit extra away each month, it may also be worth considering investing.

  • Get money smart. There are many ways to cut your taxes down, but only if you know how to take advantage of them. Do your research online, or check out a book from the library about taxes.
  • Pay off credit card bills with the highest interest rates first. Interest can add up quickly and stay on top by paying off the higher ones first, so it doesn’t keep accumulating.
  • Cut out unnecessary expenses. Keep track of where your money is being spent and see if any places could amount to savings.
  • Lower your energy usage. The little things add up, so simply switching out old electronics for energy-efficient ones, or even just turning off the lights more, can mean more money saved.
  • Use coupons and get cash back on your purchases. Of course, this one is essential here at FatWallet. Save some extra money by shopping smarter. Getting money off of your investments can add up to significant savings.

What kind of resolution-making type are you? Do you have other resolution tips? Let us know in the comments below! Happy New Year!

Good luck with your resolutions!