Record Store Black Friday

March 2025 by couponlab


The official list of Record Store Black Friday Special Releases is out! Record Store Day falls on April 3rd, but the organizers still like to get in on the Black Friday fun. Music fans of all ages look forward to Record Store Day every year. There are usually dozens of exclusive, limited-edition LPs up for grabs. Record Store Day has participated in Black Friday for a few years now.

The list divided into three sections.:

EXCLUSIVES: Which are only available at participating indie record stores.

SMALL RUN: Which are vinyl that has less than 1,000 copies available. This makes them these records difficult to find. They also tend to hold sentimental and more monetary value.

RSD FIRST: Titles are debuting on Record Store Day. These titles will eventually they’ll be available elsewhere.

Here are some of our favorites: record_store_day_

Keep in mind that record stores are not required to participate in this event. Make sure you call to check with your favorite shop if they are participating. Almost every title featured in this list is limited-release. Meaning that not every title will be at every store. If you’re  interested in special releases contact your local indie record store.   With the rise in vinyl sales, we suggest planning on getting in line early.